Dreamsoft iERP is End to end Functionality Designed to Simplify your Complex Manufacturing and Distribution Operations
Accounting & Financial Management
Speed up transactions and improve visibility into cash flow, by integrating your financial operation in real time with other business processes, such as purchase and sales.
Sales & Opportunity Management
Get the tools to help you efficiently manage the entire sales process and customer lifecycle – from initial contact to final sale. Increase sales and improve customer satisfaction.
Inventory and Warehouse Management
Get the tools to help you efficiently manage the entire sales process and customer lifecycle – from initial contact to final sale. Increase sales and improve customer satisfaction.
Quality Control
Enhance customer satisfaction, deliver superior products, take swift actions for non-conformance, identify and resolve issues, in no time.
Production Management
Automate production processes and eliminate complexities to maximize business productivity and meet demands on time.
Supply Chain Management
Accelerate product introductions and maintain agile shop floor execution to deliver intelligent order fulfillment.
Purchasing & Procurement
A systematic approach to managing the procurement process, the complete order-to-pay cycle. Compare suppliers and prices to negotiate better deals and identify opportunities for cost savvy.
Services Management
Respond quickly and efficiently to customer queries and maintain a high level of customer satisfaction. Effectively manage warranty and service contracts with customers for your successful growth.
Customer Management
Turn prospects into customers, grow sales and achieve high levels of customer satisfaction, for marketing effectiveness and to enrich customer service interactions.
To know More : https://dreamsoftindia.com/web-enabled-erp-solution.asp
Sales Queries : sales@dreamsoftindia.com
Reach Us - WhatsApp Or Call : +91-7710013322 / 9870310606
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