Bridging & Reporting Applications
For our Esteemed System Integrators and OEM partners of Industrial Automation Software Application : " Bridging & Reporting Applications are very customized Applications development in which the requirements are like there is a Source of Data Available in form of: Device / Equipment / PLC / XLS Format Files / CSV Format Files / OPC Interface / Serial Communication / FTP / SAP File / XML File etc. Client may want these data to be computed / worked up on and transfer them to other Output Systems like: PLC / OPC / Database etc. " To Know More:- Contact Us on- +91.9870310606/ 7710013322 #Dreamsoft #industrialautomation #automation #plc #OPC#automationsoftware #automationsolutions #automationsystems #iiot #iot #softwaredevelopment #automationsoftwaredevelopment #industrialautomationsoftware #applicationdevelopment #iotapplication #datalogging #dataanalysis #reportingsoftware #automationsolutions #homea...